An Act of Self-Love

Being in love is wonderful. The very thought of it brings a rush of excitement—a burst of energy that makes our life feel brighter and more hopeful. When we find that love for someone else, we feel as though our hearts could explode. When we find it for ourselves, that rush becomes a calming stream and a source of grounding for all of the trials and stresses life throws our way.

Self love is not inherent; it is a divine habit that gets better and more productive each time we do it.

Here are a few tips to help cultivate a self-love routine:

  1. Set Aside Me Time: Self love is not inherent; it is a divine habit that gets better and more productive each time we do it. Start with a limited amount of time. A few minutes each morning that you dedicate to yourself is fine. If the thought of adding 3-5 minutes in the morning is stressful, do it before you go to bed. Please do not watch the news before or after this sacred time with yourself. This is your time for peace. You have 23 hours and 55 other minutes of the day to think about what’s happening in the world.
  2. Write It Down: Keep a small private writing pad or tablet that only you have access to.  Before sitting down for quiet time, write down whatever is bothering you. This way you know exactly what it is that you have to let go of. Ask for the strength to let the anger, resentment, disappointment and hurt go. Negative feelings do not usually dissolve the first time, but working through them is a powerful, effective tool for staying positive, grounded and optimistic no matter what is happening.
  3. Get Started: Do not wait for someone outside yourself to do what for you what you are able to do for yourself. Start a LOVE relationship with yourself by making a conscious commitment to take better care of yourself. The better care you take of yourself and the more time you’re able to spend with yourself, the more clear and level headed you’ll be in both giving to and knowing what you need from others.  

It is amazingly beneficial to dedicate even a limited amount of time each day for self care; to slow down, relax and give up the tense grasp we have on our own psyche. However, this one little act of daily self-love does more than calm and focus us. As we grow in this practice, we become more confident in our ability cope with life and our self-esteem grows; we develop an astounding source of strength. As we overcome each of life’s challenges, we connect to how far we have come and that feels so good!

Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

The ATOI Team